Saturday, June 9, 2012

Turtle Travels Romania edition

Sorry its been a long time since the last time I blogged anything. I have been really busy between work, Radio show, Nephews, and Traveling.

As some of you know I recently traveled to Romania with Darkness Radio and Joshua P. Warren for about 10 days. This was one of the awesomeness trips I have ever been on and was able to due to the gerousity of Brian Kerr. I was dubbed Turtle Travels by Rachel and it has sort of stuck lol. I really wish I could have taped everything so that I wouldnt forget everything but I did take over 800 pics in the 10days lol My friends Nikki and Jen also were there with me and we had tons of fun in the back of the bus with Dave :) There is so much I could say about the trip both good and bad but in the end I had a blast and want to go back but with a few different people who were unable to make this trip. Aaron Goodwin was supposed to go but due to a change in his schedule he was unable to join us and because of that I did a few thinks in his honor. One was I took many pictures with his Big Steppin sticker thru out Romania AND even left one within Vlad the Impaler Ruin Castle Poienari  anyone to find :)

I hope that one day People will go and find the sticker there Of course you have to climb 1482 steps to get there lol But if I can do it anyone can ;) This is a picture
of where it placed and for those interesting Darkness Radio
and Jeff Belanger will be returning to Romania in 2013 at the
end of May.
I am getting tired but will add to this post at another point in time :) If you have any question about what or where I went during the time in Romania plus ask either on here or Facebook or Twitter