Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Begining

Ok here I go :) I am not a great speller or good at sentence structures so forgive me lol I have Lots of ADD moments so my train of thoughts are sort of rambling lol Ask me questions at anytime and I will try to answer them.
    Hi for those who dont know me my name is Leah Yoder and I am currently 31yrs old. I have lived in Grand Rapids, MI for the majority of my life. I have a non cancerous Brain Tumor that hasnt stopped me from living :)

    When I was 8 my dad decided to up root my family ( mom, brother, & I) and be a missonary in Indonesia. At the time I hated the idea of being away from all my friends but didnt have a choice lol. After I got there I really loved it and didnt really want to leave lol We were gone of a year. in that time we were in the Philiapians, Singapore, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Germany and a few others for very short times. Its gave me a new outlook on how lucky I really am. Saw lots of poverty and other things that a girl of 8 should see. When I got back I was changed for the better.

My dad has worked with physically and mentally challenge kids my whole life so I think that is why I have so much compations and patience for others. And am thankful for that. Dont get me wrong I have moment where I just cant stand some one and there stupidity but I try to find the best in everyone :) I am human lol

I have been thru so much that I dont know where to start with all....Yes I told you a little already lol
One thing you need to know about me is that I have been raped 3 times and have come out stronger each time. I was early young the first time....I thought it was a game and didnt know that it wasnt right. The second time I was 19and staying over at a friends house and her boyfriend was drunk and High. I remember waking up to him tieing me to the bed and then raping me as I was screaming at him to get off. His cousin tackled him and my friend called the cops...I made a deal with him that he get sober and clean and I wouldnt press charges but that there was a case filed. the last time I was 22 and was an ex who wanted to "talk" when I ran into him at a party. It was my mistake to go into the bedroom alone with him knowing our past...I would never want anyone to go thru it cause it can destroy anyone. I was in a deep depression and very quiet but realized I didnt want it to change or run my life so I moved on. I think that is part of why I let myself get to be so over weight so that I wasnt taken advantage of. Now I am trying to lose it cause I hate the way it is making me feel lol I dont care about what I look like cause if someone really wants to know what/who I truely am they take the time to get to know me for who I am not what I look like :)

Yes I am a very smily person and Really try to find the good in everyone. But I do have some major faults too. I need to let go of the past and also find a way to release some of the stress I have beside out bursts. I love to draw and be artistic :) Love photograghy and have my dads old 35mm camera that I love to use cause I cant see what I have capture until its developed lol :)

Ok that is all for now more later

Turtle Love <3



  1. Wow! You are such an inspiration to women and anyone who may have been through a tough time! You have such an amazing attitude after so much trauma and I admire that so!! I love your desire to keep improving and letting each scenario make you stronger instead of breaking you down or using it as an excuse to treat people badly or give up on life. I am glad you decided to post a blog and I think it is a great way to release your stress and let people get to know you on such a deeper level!!

  2. Girl keep smiling I'm here for u like you have ben for me just me reading this has brought me to tears cuz I know that I am not alone I am almost certain we have been threw many of the same things that's why we did not meet each other invain everything happens for a reason :)

  3. Let me start by saying this : I love you. I love you for who you are and nothing else. You are truely an amazing person and everyone needs to be more like you. Screw being like Mike. Take note people this girl is one to watch!

  4. You are a very very strong woman. We can all learn from you!! Faults or no faults... we all have many you are a survivor. Writing helps you to cleanse and helps others to understand they are not alone!! xxoo
