Friday, December 30, 2011


Day 4: This will be a short blog
Ok so I dont know how many other people have major Squirrel Moment but I have many of them lol. If you dont know what a squirrel moment is watch the movie UP lol. Actually it basically is when you are talking or doing one thing and something distracts you and then you return to what you were doing lol.

I am currently talking to this girl name Abby on Skype, Typing this, Chatting on Skype,FB, and Twitter :) And I somehow am managing to keep things straight lol My mind is going a mile a minute right now lol I wanted to have this done before midnight but its not going to happen lol but thats ok

1 comment:

  1. lol so I know this is cheating but I dont care lol. where was I lol ah yes Squirrel the one i just had lol.

    It is sooooooo much fun to have a conversation with someone who is also ADD cause we can have Squirrel moments together but still follow each other thru the Whole thing :) Like when Aaron and I have a full conversation between the 2 of us :)If anyone really listened to us they would get lost really easly lol But for some reason we dont lol.

    I think that is all I am going to blogg right now cause I have to get up in 7 hrs to drive 3 hrs to spend NYE with friends :)

    Turtle Love,
