Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Boys and there Mom


Until 2 years ago I had no nephews then my brother got involved that Val who has Brady. I Love Brady soooo much he is now 5 years old and totally my Nephew :) then a yr ago J Cameron was born :) He is the light of my life :) they both are really lol I call them my boys cause I take care of them quite a lot.

Until about 3 months ago Val wasnt really working. She would start a job then quit it over something stupid and start a new one. She now has 2 jobs which is good but still wants to go out and party even though she has 2 kids. She takes a lot of things out on my brother which pisses me off. Josh and I dont have the best relationship but he still is family and I dont like it when someone messes with my Family. There has been many times that she will go MIA when I have the boys cause she wants to have her freedom. people think that they are my boys cause I am with them all the time. In fact people at church think J is mine lol when he isnt with me they ask me if he is with his dad instead of me lol I am like yes he is with my Brother lol

Today was an exsample of this stupidity that I have to deal with. My brother was watching the boys overnight so that Val could go out with friends but was supposed to be back by 10 so that he could get to work. At 11 my brother called me to see if I could come watch the boys cause he couldnt get a hold of Val and he need to get to work by noon so he had to leave by 11:30. I went over and he left. Val didnt show up till almost 1 smelling like alchol....J started to freak out when I tried to leave and wanted nothing to do with Val...He didnt even want his blanket when she tried to take him from me. eventually I got him seatled enough for me to leave. She called me little later so he could here my voice....This made me sad cause he should want Val but he wanted me instead. the whole time Brady was eating his PB&J sandwich lol

Ok That is enough for today lol

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