Sunday, January 1, 2012


This has been a very strange begining of a new year. I doesnt really feel like it is but maybe thats just me. I hope you all had a great and safe night whatever you did :)

So I feel bad that I didnt blog yesterday but things were really crazy. I wasnt home but at a friends house 3 hours away from home and didnt have the best reception there. Plus with everything going on with Rachel and her dad passed away this morning has been really hard on me. Rachel is recovering from surgey that was to relieve all the liquid from her heart. She has a bacterina infection that is killing her body. As shw was in surgery her father had a triple arotic anerisum that the fix but the last night it rupured again and then this morning at 4:30am he passed away. She lives in Utah/Nevada so I cant be with her right now

Then yesterday I found out that My friend Stephen was hit by a car as he was getting his mail on friday night. He has been flown th Portland, OR to a better hospital. His head the windshield so he has major head. but lucky the swelling went down without surgery. His blood pressure is getting lower and lower...and is still unresposive. he also has broken ribs and his left leg. I am going crazy with worry. the driver she lost control of her car due to snow I guess...I dont have a lot of info about it cause His brother has posted to much.

This gets me thinking about death which I dont like to think about to much. Dont get me wrong I accept that we will all die and each moment could be our last. I just feel bad that people have to go thru so much pain when they lose someone. In the case of Rachel as she is fighting for her own life her fathers was taken. She is also friends with Stephen so she is worried more about him then herself which sort of pisses me off...even though I understand it lol. I have been surrounded by death my whole life. All I remember going to as a child is funerals. My first one I remember was my Grandfathers when I was 3. I dont really remember the actual funeral but at the grave site when they tried to keep my cuz Sarah, who was 2.5, and me inside a big black car. I remember openning the other door and went picking "wildflowers" with her to put on my grandfathers grave. I didnt really understand what was going on lol. Later in life I was told that it was actually flower off of other people graves lol I guess it gave everyone a good laugh :) I think that was the first time I experienced my Grandfathers spirit lol

After that I had lots of people pass away in my life. when I was in the 7th grade I went to close to 8 funerals in about 3 months...A little girl at church had an accident on rollerskate and grabbed a flower box that then fell on her and she hit her head on the concrete. Then my other Grandfather died, a few great aunts, and a couple other people. I have been to way to many funerals in my life time and I think part of why I am into the paranormal.

I dont know which is worse when it comes to dead...Someone suddenly dieing or watching them die due to disease or age...I have experienced both. I would hope that I personally wouldnt suffer to much and wouldnt want my family to suffer...that would suck. I am a fighter by nature so I have/would fight anything that would come to me when it comes to health.

I have many other things I can say about this but I am really tired right I am going to sign off and try to get some sleep

Turtle love,



  1. I have a retraction to say...Stephen was never hit by a car... he made the whole thing up which pisses me off cause he hurt soooooo many people by doing this. Sorry I would write more about this but A)he doesnt deserve to have the honor to be defended B) out of respect for his wife C) I am to emotional

  2. I think your life and the things I'm reading you are a true blue empath... I am but not as strong as you. YOu care about yourself but everyone else's feeling can come before your's because you feel them so strongly it becomes your pain.

    Losing someone suddenly is probably better. Haven't lost too many that way but watching my mother beat so many cancers and bounce back from a stroke like no one's business was incredible but the stupid ass doctors found "cancer deposits" from her breast cancer years before on her head and other bones and decided they needed to be treated even though they had never developed. From the time they started treating her til the time she got worse and worse and had them stop she dropped over 50lbs and withered from May til August, refused to discuss by saying it was nothing new and she would get better. It was the most excruciating thing I've ever watched in my life and praying for God to take her made me feel like THE MOST SELFISH person on the planet. It was not just because her agony and horrid state of being but it was killing all of us watching and destroying my dad. They celebrated their 58th anniv on Aug 4th, my dad and brother had their bday party on the 13th where we all went individually and privately into a room with her and said our "goodbyes"... she was lucid and let us all get it out (lol who is blogging on your blog hahaha) any way in less then a week things got bad and hospice was called in. Her mom's bday was the 20th and she died on the 21st. That was 2009.

    BACK TO YOU... you sound like a true blue empath! Having a brain tumor opens you up twice as much and it can be debilitating all on it's own. There are groups and there is a twitter I retweet everything from!!

    Reading the comment above I bet you were pissed but also worried about how and why he would be in such an awful place to do something like that (am i close)

    I'll keep reading and don't be surprised if this motor mouthed/fingers don't comment more!!
