Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The last 6 weeks

Ok I feel like I need to explain what has been going on with my life for the past 6 weeks. A lot of people knew I was sick and some ppl knew why or guessed. I found out I was pregnant. I was violently sick and not able to keep hardle anything down besides some crackers Fizzy water and spicy food lol. The Doctors told me that I was High risk and if I could make it to 6 weeks I would be able to keep the baby. The didnt thing that I would be able. No matter how careful I was I have lost the Baby at 5 weeks. I was in sooooooooo much pain and the docs confermed that I lost it by doing an ultrasound yesterday. They care conserned though cause I have been getting confused and disorinated a lot lately. If you have read one of the past blogs you know that i have a Brain tumor. They think it or another one has formed because of all the stress and emotions. I have an MRI scheduled for a week even though I did one about 3 months ago. I have a lot of medical issues that they cant figure out. I wasnt supposed to be able to get pregnant but look what happened lol. As of right now the guy doesnt know this all happend cause I havent seen him and dont want to send him a text saying something like " I was pregnant but dont worry I had a miscarrige" lol
Anyways I am still trying to process everything that has happened and the emotions that come with it all. I am will keeping you all posted on what is going on :)

Turtle Love



  1. Sorry to hear that news Leah. :(

  2. I'm so sorry about the brain tumor. Life sucks. Miscarrying at anytime is a very very hard thing!! I've had 3 and was only as far along as you for 2 of them and only knew a few days so I'm not gonna say it was a big deal but they were at times like you (not as serious) but at a very bad time. My 3rd was at 13wks and it never felt right. I was depressed and miserable and though it led to us getting a house it was horrid from day one. I wish you much luck and will pray for you. You sound awesome and random and I love that.
    I wanna blog so bad but each one I do get's no bites since the death of myspace. Glad to have run into you on twitter and now understand even more so about the angels and skulls. Your hurts are combined and it's an outlet. Keep being strong girl!!

    I hope with all that is going on you guys can keep going with the blog radio but between this and Rachel I hope it's not too much. She is hard to figure out and you are quiet so I'm glad I've stumbled here.

    Best of luck darlin and if my brain doesn't stay as cloudy as usual I will try to keep up with these. <3 Janice
