Monday, January 9, 2012


How do you tell someone you care about that a) you do care about them more then before and b) you have a new lease of life because of them even though you know they arent good for you. I am trying to figure out the best way to drop a bomb on someone. It will change EVERYTHING about what we were before and what will come to the future I dont know what to do....I dont want them to freak out and never talk to me again but eventually I am going to have to tell them lol

First thing I need to do is figured out what I want to do. For right now I am going to play it cool and see what happens. I know that they will accept it eventually but till then I am soooooooo confused on what to do. Its amazing on how fast life can change. Sorry I cant be more specific lol But the majority know so I should just come out and say it but I feel like as soon as I do I will jinx it lol

Enough for now,

Turtle Love,


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