Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stanely Hotel....

Some of you know that I have been on many Ghost hunts with Darkness Radio, Zak Bagan, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and one with Nick Groff :) The last one was at the Stanely Hotel in Este Park, CO. This is a beautiful sight and LOVED hanging out with everyone. It was a great weekend and I had some great experiences....Up till the end of the it.

If you have ever been to one of these events you know they do 2 different nights of investigation. Friday and Saturday. I tend to do the Saturday night on and this time wasnt any different :) My friends Pita, Saralyn, Amanda, Jen, and Nikki all were with me along with about 20 others in my group lol. We had won a night in the Lord Donraven room on thursday night which was an interesting and fun :) I actually slept on the floor infront of the closet which wasnt all that comfortable lol

Anyways, the locations were Lord Ds room + another room on the 4th floor, The concert hall, Manor House, and Steven King room + tunnel. ( this was the order I went to it lol) There was lots of different things that happened as the night went but the big stuff started at the manor house. Nikki, Jen, Saralyn, and I decide we werent going to stay with the group and started an ghost box session in one of the hallways. we got some stuff and started to see shadows at the other part of the hallway that there wasnt anything there to make it. I asked my friends if they have ever done the flashlight test which they hadnt. So I set it up closer to the end of the hallway with my camcorder filming it and almost immediately we started to have luck...We also had an iovulus and it started to shoot out words. we ended up having a conversation for 35mins with this guy named Charles. we kept asking him to show himself but he wasnt. At the end we were walking and all 4 of us saw what looked like Jeff turning the courner where we were heading then go back. Saralyn started yell saying if you are trying to scared us we would hurt them lol. Amanda came around the courner and asked us what we were yelling about.When we told her she said she didnt see anyone...That excited us as we went to the Steven king room where Aaron and Debbie were.

That when I started feeling sort of bad but just kept going. The energy in that room was really powerful. Aaron and Debbie were sitting on the bed along with a few other. I was standing next to Aaron with my Digital recorder on the side table and filming the evp session. I am not sure when but I realized it stopped working so during one of the "breaks" I changed the batteries but it didnt want to work so I just kept taping it. I really felt sick to my stomach but was determand to keep going. We got some really cool stuff and I wanted to stay with them when we changed but knew that Karl was in the tunnels and was looking forward to me coming so I left. as we left Aaron was giving people hugs which is really normal if you know him lol but something was different this time...(if he ever reads this it will be the first time he is hearing this part) I felt like there was a jolt of energy that sort of transfered from him to me. After that I really started to feel sick but I went to the tunnels. I started to get really lightheaded so I had Nikki take my camera and I "slide" down the wall and sat on the floor. There was about 5 mins left so when Karl asked if I wanted to leave I said no. When things were done we headed up to the lobby. I tried to make it up the stair but had to lay down on them.

  • I felt like I was shaking so I laid on the steps, then I actually shaking really badly. I was told later that Billy saw what going on and got Dave. I was surrounded by quite a few ppl when Dave came over to find out what was going on. I told him I didnt know why I was shaking but that I felt like I was going to have a seizure...He asked if I wanted to have them call the medics but I told him no. they moved me to a couch so I wasnt in the way on the stairs...they got me water and had Jen get Pudge my skeleton turtle...Saralyn gave me her cross to hold and Lupita started to say prays. Jen saw Aaron and told him what was going on and that I wanted him to come to him. He started to get scared but told her that with what was going on with him he thought it would be a bad Idea for him to be around me...He was really concerned about it so he started to text Chris Fleming to get his butt up to the lobby fast...(I was told all of this later) Susan, Daves manager, who has medical training came to check me out and asked if there was any medical situations they needed to know about. I told her about my brain tumor but that it should be causing me to be shaking like I was. OUt of the courner of my eye I saw Aaron with Chris...Chris started to ask me questions...I dont remember what all he asked me. I think they at first thought I was having a medical issue but then Chris looked in my eyes and he realized there was someone was trying to attach themselves to me to leave the hotel. He kept saying "OLD MAN" which I remember that I thought why does he what him? & confusion...The whole time I was shaking...I dont remember what he did next but then I remember him asking for paper and pen...He had me do audiomatic writting. Was a wierd feeling to not have control over what was going on. the paper was to little and not enough and the pen started to runout so Amanda went to get more paper and guess got a sharpie from Aaron. As so as I as I held that Sharpie it was like a jolt of energy and Chris saw the differenc. I actually felt like I needed to Draw with the Sharpie not write. I guess I didnt write any actual words i never saw it but Amanda (who was with me even though I would rather Jen or Nikki with me) has it and is going to sent it to me :)Chris after thinking for a minute he grabbed my hand and I think he was trying to get this spirit to release me but I felt like he didnt want to and he fought back. thats when Chris stopped and told Amanda to get me into a back room where it was quiet cause there was to many distractions. I guess the whole time Aaron was watching from afar I felt him and I swear I kept seeing him but knew he wasnt there. As I was lead to a back room this other girl named Amanda who has been "using" me for my feeling since QM started to come give me a hug but I yelled "NO!!! YOU CANT TOUCH ME" which she was in shock but left me alone I kept hearing her say Im sorry...People let me thru but some of my groupies started to follow me & Amanda(oefvii on twitter) into the room. I as we got closer I said " You guys need to leave me alone" some didnt didnt listen so Amanda turn & was like GOODBYE lol...as soon as I got in the room I was like I needed to sit down cause I was lightheaded I ended up laying on the ground and Amanda asked me what I was feeling I told her that I felt like something was trying to take over me or was using me as a catalist to get to someone else. When Chris got back he asked if I feel or what. He had to get a candle and his chimes. They sat me in a chair. He started to use the chimes around me They sat me in a chair. He started to use the chimes around me trying to get to meditate I think not sure cause I dont totally remember everything. He told me to imagine I was surrounded by white light, then that I was the white light. As he went around me with the chimes he was having me raise my arm and dropping it then the other then both then a clapping thing. To clap twice and breath out. I started to cough and he encourged me to keep coughing. then I started to dry heave and did throw up a little but I felt better. Then He asked me what religion I was and if I know any prays and I told him I knew the lords prayer. he had me stay it but my first thought was the plede of allegence...I dont know if he tought I was stailing or not lol As I started it I was ok but then I couldnt remember part of it then could remember the end. I couldnt remember "And forgive us our transgression as we forgive those transgress against us" I was shocked cause I have said that line over and over but Couldnt this time. Chris had to keep telling me the line over and over again. He told me that it attached to me cause it found my weakness even though I was protect myself it wasnt enough. that I wasnt taking care of myself. that I was letting others control me. That need to stick up for myself and be strong about it. I almost laughted cause I had just had a fight about just that. that I put others ahead of myself. I told Chris this and he said "see not only the living world but the spirit world was trying to teach you a lesson that you need to put yourself first and take care of yourself" He said that my guides and guardiens where there for me but I needed to learn a lesson but if it had gotten to be to much they would have stepped in. He took the candle and told me I had to let go of the past and to start living in the present and taking care of myself. he was having me to blow out the candle to realse my past. this all took close to 1.5hr from when Chris first got there. He gave me a huge hug and told me that there where a lot of ppl really worried about me out in the lobby but it was up to me what or If I told them anything. the frankly its none of there Fucking business lol. as I start to walk I realized that I had peed my pants and dont remember doing it...


  1. Did you go to the Seattle event? I was at that one.

  2. No I wasnt but I wish I had gone cause people told me it was awesome. I hope you get to another one sometime :)
